Song Lyrics #3

Michel Montecrossa
Song Lyrics #3

980 Original Cyberrocker New-Topical Song Lyrics & Metaverse Cyberrock – Poetry – Image Power & Stream-Of-Consciousness Discography &  Filmography

• Michel Montecrossa Song Lyrics are Metaverse Poetry for the future. Through them he discloses the innumerable mind-shaking stream-of-consciousness actions that come from the future.

• Michel Montecrossa in his Song Lyrics articulates the world in a new, exciting and deeply moving way, liberating from soulless abstractions, breaking through the insensible surface of conformity, reanimating bold creative insight, intense sensuality and thrilling wisdom.

• Michel Montecrossa is writing 21st century Cyberbeat poetry abundant with genius and most communicative expressiveness, satisfying every lover of forward looking, inspired and powerfully innovative poetry.


Michel Montecrossa
Song Lyrics #3 – Essays
688 Seiten, DIN A 5, Softcover, mit Zeichnungen und Bildern, Mirapuri-Verlag
ISBN 978-3-86710-200-1, 45,00 EUR

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